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Sexual Wellness

Sexual Wellness

Offering Sexual Wellness services

Your sexual health is an important component of your physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Linda Clark, NP, based in Newport Beach, California, offers effective sexual wellness solutions. She serves patients throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Virginia via telehealth. Schedule a virtual appointment with Linda Clark, NP, by calling the office or requesting one online today.

What is sexual wellness?

Sexual wellness encompasses sexual functioning, hormone balance, sex drive, and other aspects pertaining to sexual health. Addressing sexual health concerns is important for men and women, as such concerns can become problematic for your general wellness if left untreated.

See Linda to address any sexual wellness needs virtually from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Which conditions can sexual wellness address?

Sexual health care services with Linda can prevent or help you better manage:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Infertility
  • Vaginal dryness in women
  • Menopause symptoms
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED) in men
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Low libido (sexual desire)
  • Menstruation irregularities in women
  • Painful menstruation
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Pelvic pain in women

See Linda at the first sign of unusual or new sexual wellness concerns. She promptly responds to your requests and offers referrals if necessary to ensure you receive any necessary treatments.

What are the benefits of sexual wellness solutions?

Maintaining superior sexual health provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Optimal sexual functioning
  • Lower risk of STDs
  • Better overall quality of life
  • Mood improvements
  • Enhanced intimate relationships
  • Reduction in bothersome symptoms
  • Lower risk of medical complications
  • Improved fertility 

Routine sexual health care can detect potential problems before they become severe or cause complications.

What should I expect during a sexual wellness appointment?

Linda contacts you during your scheduled appointment time to complete a virtual sexual health care visit. She discusses your medical history, potential symptoms, lifestyle, and sexual wellness goals. 

Linda also completes a virtual physical exam, if necessary, and may order STD tests, blood testing, or other diagnostic tests to detect possible problems before they become severe. 

If you’re a candidate for treatment, she offers:

  • Medication prescriptions
  • STD treatments
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Birth control
  • Sexual health counseling
  • Medically supervised weight loss
  • Prenatal or postnatal counseling
  • Family planning 
  • ED treatment
  • Mental health care

If you need additional diagnostic testing or hands-on sexual wellness treatments, Linda may refer you to another specialist. However, she can help you effectively manage many sexual health concerns virtually, without the need to leave your home or take time off work. 

How often should I schedule sexual wellness visits?

Schedule sexual wellness appointments annually or any time you have concerns or questions about your sexual health. Contact Linda if you develop new or unusual symptoms, such as changes in menstruation, pain with intercourse, a reduced sex drive, bumps or lumps on your genital region, or other signs of potential problems. 

Schedule a virtual sexual wellness evaluation with Linda Clark, NP, by calling the office or booking one online today.